Thursday, May 7, 2009

i'm still holding on......

Daisypath Next Aniversary Ticker

'married'.................. it's a fun thing to talk about...i think everybody who have been dating for more than a couple of years probably talk bout it at some point...unless they have comitment issue or other reason...

A happy married life calls for constant commitment and concern for each other.

There are few small and minute aspects, which we tend to forget in our married life, as we get busy with the daily chores(housewife bnyk kerja tauu).

So at times it is important to indulge in those minute details of a married life, which will constantly remind each other of the love and concern being present.

Last but not least,i can conclude by the quote of Barnett Brickner, which says it, all that "Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate."

p/s :it's important that when you love a person- love him or her the way he or she is and not the way you want him or her to be.

Friday, May 1, 2009

maklumat x berapa penting

perkara-perkara tentang aku yang x semua orang tahu....

1) i cant sleep kalau tv terpasang....kena tutup tv...

2) kena ada selimut...x kire laa waktu tu tngah hari ...panas terik.....

3) goyang kaki sebelum tido.......kalau mase dlu tido ngan nenek aku die kate sbb mak aku tak bedung( balut ngan kain lmpin) mase kecik-kecik dlu....

4) kena ada bahan bacaan kalau masuk toilet...semua ni berpunca mase ai tggal dengan nenek ai....dlm tandas tu ada kl ai tgk labah-labah x bleh wat ape yg akn cari benda yang wat ai x tgk bwk buku or majalah dlm toilet...habit tu kekal smpi skrg...kl kat umah mai ai tgk ada majalah dlm tandas die da tau sape guna tndas...kat bilik guru ai skrg pun ada satu buku khas i simpan dlm laci...kwn2 pagill buku tndas....

5) mudah menangis...cengeng......air mata kan secret weapon wanita...but it doesn't work on sumone.....wink...wink:0)

6) pemalu(damn...sume x caye) dgn org yg x dikenali..... tp kalau da rapat...bersedia laa...melecet telinga dgr crite karot marot ai.....

7) x makan bihun kalau bihun tu tukar ngn kuey tiaw(ai slalu konfius dgn cane nk eja) or mee ai makn laa....kalau mase ai lapar sgt je ai mkn...

8) x suke sapu smpah..... dari mase skola lagi..kl gotong royong dorm..i mesti voluteer nak cuci bilik air....sapu smpah xnk...mak ai slalu kate..kalau ai sapu smpah... mule2 ade habuk bile nak kaut masuk dalam penyodok..da xde habuk..terbang gi mane xtau...basuh bilik air ai suke laa...siap cuci lantai guna feminin hygiene lagi sbb salah capai botol....

**kepada bakal suamiku....tlg ya...sapu smpah...plzzz

9) suka basuh baju..(sbb cmpak masuk mesin je) tapi x suke jemur, angkat n lipat..paling x suke iron baju....... penah upah adik ai yg lelaki tu ironkan baju ai.......punya laa malas...

10) x mudah kalau da terasa..... lame la nak baiknye...............

p/s: i'm craving for big apple donut.......